Tuesday 20 September 2011

Nielsen stands down as Australia's coach

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Australia News

Brydon Coverdale and Daniel Brettig

September 20, 2011

Tim Nielsen has remained as coach of Australia, after helping the side to win the series in Sri Lanka. Nielsen, who succeeded John Buchanan in 2007, made the announcement after Australia played a tie in the final test at the SSC, Colombo, and said he agreed it was time to go as part of the decline from the summer last 3-1 Ashes defeat.

His decision means Australia will have an interim head coach - perhaps one of the assistants, Justin Langer and Steve Rixon - for their upcoming tour in South Africa. Nielsen faces the prospect of having to reapply for the position of head coach after the review Argus recommends a more complete memory for the mentor of the team.

Nielsen said last month since the launch of the review was exceptionally demanding, and felt hurt that he was asked to reapply for the position given the narrowness CA had been working in the last four years.

"It was a difficult month," said Nielsen. "I feel as if through some completely independent and external to what I do, I feel that my role has changed, and my work has been wasted on candidates. I understand I can understand where they come from, we try to improve our sport.

"The only thing that I am a little 'disappointed that my role as coach of Australian cricket is not limited to cover cricket test. We have maintained our No. 1 place in a cricket days in the last four years I have here, we have improved the T20 cricket and made some dramatic changes in the comedy last World Cup Grand Final. I feel like we are on track.

"All this is compounded by the fact that we played very good cricket side in England last year and they beat us and beat us, and that happens sometimes. 15 years before he was in Australia to do other groups, and had to lick wounds. Now, we look at how we were going to improve and move forward, and the result is this.

"I think the opportunity will be a group of players who are fit, who have had some success and I hope it is now, the place is in a better position than it was, maybe three or four months, when all this happened ".

The criticism seems to reflect directly to the Australian coach Nielsen, even though he was fervently denied republished after the CA. Nielsen also noted that many of the recommended changes to the structure were those that had driven the coach himself.

"And 'the personal side, no doubt. This is the hardest part, and who had small part, in my opinion," said Nielsen. "I feel like I'm doing an interview to work every day for the last four years. Since they changed the number of structural problems, and the things that I can honestly say that I talked to and defend for a while '."I appreciate the opportunity to work with the new system and the new role of the attackers, but when you get beat like we did in England, a very good cricket team, there is always the deposition, and we had to make some changes , and they did. I do not hold any grudge about it, but I myself have argued for the job, given the chance. Because of these things is just the right time to believe. "

The new position will be a more comprehensive and aimed at setting the direction of all coaches at the elite level in Australia. Nielsen, 43, has decided not to put themselves forward for the new job, despite Cricket Australia CEO James Sutherland said less than two weeks that he hoped that Nielsen would be "a primary candidate."

"Tim was the national coach for a period in which he had a long list of great champions leave the game and strong support for the new players coming to the side during this period," said Sutherland. "I was delighted when he agreed to renew his contract last year and had encouraged him to apply for the new role of head coach renovated and expanded meeting the Board approved last month after the deposit of the performance review Australian team.

"But I talked to Tim and to understand and respect his decision now to begin a new chapter of his book. He has contributed significantly to the Australian International Cricket roles as deputy national coach, head coach at the Centre of Excellence and the 'national coach for four years. We all wish him all the best for the future. "

Nielsen, a former South Australia wicketkeeper, has taken the role of head coach after spending three years as an assistant with the national team under Buchanan, and then became head coach at the Centre of Excellence. He guided Australia through the Series 15 test, nine of which team won.

He is now planning to move to another, yet to define the role of cricket, although it is not CA.

"I am a cricket coach, I am a cricket," Nielsen said. "I was not good enough to play cricket for Australia, so I lived the dream for players to speak, as the coaches talk about him, this was the best job I could do and I am very proud of the fact that I been able to do for four years, which seems a long time in international sport. I will definitely be looking for alternatives and taking into account all that is to use my skills and keep in touch with the sport I love.

"We had a dreadful moment, some really good to win the group, and we had some difficult moments. And 'the international nature of sport, which by its nature is what I do. It' s basically had the stage where we are," VE sitting in the family and said he wants to solve these tasks, we are ready to solve this kind of pressure.

"In the end I thought it best for me and the team I have now to give the person taking the paper to start a very positive way, I think we have put in place in the last two or three months and has been published here in the last six or seven weeks. "

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