Wednesday 10 August 2011

Khawaja Granted India Visa

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Usman Khawaja, Australian drummer, received a visa from India, which allows him to play for New South Wales, if selected for the Champions League Twenty20 next month in India.

Khawaja visa was initially rejected by the Indian High Commission in Australia, prompting the drummer of Pakistani origin to express outrage at Twitter, where he said the visa department of India "must sort their issues."

"Refusing to let me travel to India as an Australian because I was not born here. Wow," he writes.

However, the problem was solved in a day, and Khawaja is now free to visit India for the tournament. Dr Harry Harinath, the president of Cricket NSW, thanked the High Commission of India for its quick response to the question.

"We are pleased that this has been resolved and we thank the Consul General of India, Mr. Amit Dasgupta for his quick fix the problem," said Harinath.

Khawaja NSW is one of the 20 probable, 15 form the team's Champions League. Khawaja, born in Pakistan, became the first Muslim to play for Australia when he was selected for the final test of the Ashes in Sydney in 2010-11.

The tournament will begin September 23 and NSW to play their first game September 24 in Chennai. Blue Team should be appointed later this week.


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